Based on RBA, SA8000, international standards, laws and regulations, customer requirements pertaining to Social Responsibility, O-Net Technologies (Shenzhen) Group Co., Ltd. and all subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “O-Net”) have developed Social Responsibility Management System, and formulated company policies that conforms to labor, health and safety, environment, ethics, and supply chain management.
O-Net Social Responsibility Policies:
- Management by law, people oriented;
- Full involvement, health and safety;
- Energy-saving, pollution prevention;
- Anti-bribery, active report;
-Continual improvement, commitment to excellence.
O-Net has made the following commitments in terms of labor, health and safety, environment, ethics, and supply chain management, and requires suppliers and partners to comply accordingly.
1. Labor
O-Net has formulated labor policies and procedures in line with standards, laws and regulations, involving employee's personal rights and interests, respect of personality, freely chosen employment, young workers, freedom of association, working hours, wages and benefits, improving working conditions etc. O-Net has also developed regulations, and implements and manages in accordance with them in practice, regulates corporate behavior and improves continually.
2. Health and Safety
2.1 Occupational Safety, Sanitation and Industrial Hygiene
O-Net strictly complies with relevant laws and regulations, effectively controls health and safety risks, and provides a healthy and safe working and living environment for employees. Meanwhile, O-Net ensures that potable water, sanitation, fire safety, lights and ventilation of the workplace meet the requirements of regulations, and takes appropriate measures to minimize hazards in the working environment, conducts regular health checks and training on the basis of the regulations.
2.2 Emergency Preparedness
O-Net has set up safety organization structure and various emergency teams, formulates various safety emergency plans, and carries out regularly trainings to relevant personnel on safety knowledge and emergency plans. Equip with fire-fighting facilities according to laws and regulations, and conduct regular drills of emergency plans to ensure the effectiveness.
O-Net Technologies (Shenzhen) Group Co., Ltd. has been certified with Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems since 2016.
3. Environment
3.1 Comply with Laws & Regulations and Resource Reduction
O-Net Strictly complies with relevant laws and regulations, obtains all required environmental permits, approvals, licenses and registrations, maintains and updates them regularly. Waste water, waste gas and noise are emitted to the environment after being treated up to standard, and regularly tested. The disposal of solid waste and the use of hazardous chemicals comply with the requirements of laws and regulations. O-Net enhances the investment in energy-saving, emission reduction and technological upgrade, makes rational plans and manages systematically to ensure that all environmental indicators are within the prescribed scope defined in laws and regulations. Eliminate outdated production equipment and processes, implement clean production and enhance the utilization of resources, and reduce the emission of contaminants. Propose scientific and feasible emergency plans for environmental emergencies and organize emergency drills to ensure environmental safety.
O-Net Technologies (Shenzhen) Group Co., Ltd. has been certified with Environmental Management System since 2015.
3.2 Green Products
All products supplied by O-Net meet the requirements of environmental laws and regulations, including EU RoHs, EU REACH (SVHC) and China RoHs etc. In product development and design phase, it is required to realize environmental protection and ecological design to ensure green, healthy, non-toxic and harmless products.
3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
O-Net has taken greenhouse gas emission management as part of its operations. Based on the requirements of Shenzhen Government, O-Net has identified greenhouse gas emissions and taken effective actions to save energy and reduce emissions. We’ve participated in Shenzhen carbon emissions trading since 2016, and we fulfill the compliance responsibility according to the carbon emissions verified by government every year.
O-Net Technologies (Shenzhen) Group Co., Ltd. has been certified with Energy Management System since 2017.
4. Ethics
O-Net abides by the highest standards of integrity in all business interactions and prohibits any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement. O-Net has established and implemented “Code of Business Conduct Compliance Management Regulation” for employees to report violations of the code, and has developed a safe communication procedure to ensure that the identity information of the informer is kept confidential and protect the informer from retaliation. The informer will be awarded after confirming the authenticity of the report. O-Net discloses information about its business activities, organizational structure, financial status and performance in accordance with applicable regulations and industrial practices. All disclosed information is reviewed by the finance department and the legal department to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information. O-Net strictly complies with all applicable fair competition laws. No employee shall manipulate or use privileged information or other unfair ways to gain improper advantage. O-Net adheres to the standards of fair business, advertising and competition.
4.1 Intellectual Property
O-Net strictly complies with the laws and regulations related to intellectual property, and respects intellectual property rights.
5. Supply Chain Management
O-Net is dedicated to sustainable development, and recognizes the importance of procurement activities to society, environment and ethics. This statement is designed to ensure that our procurement process conforms to the highest sustainable standards, facilitate the sustainability of society and environment, and establish long-term and responsible supply chain relations.
5.1 O-Net Conflict Minerals Policy
O-Net Conflict Minerals Policy is established on the basis of O-Net Code of Conduct, and further describes our commitment and requirements towards socially and environmentally responsible sourcing of Conflict Minerals in our products.
O-Net recognizes the risk that illegal exploitation and trade of Conflict Minerals may cause violations of human rights and environmental degradation, and the risk of military conflict by directly or indirectly financing or benefiting armed groups.
The products and components of O-Net may contain conflict minerals. We are seeking for a sustainable solution to the issue of conflict minerals, and we uphold international conventions and industry initiatives, such as OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, and Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). We ensure responsible and conflict-free procurement through legitimate trade and positive development in the affected regions.
We commit to drive best industry practice by collaborating with our industry peers through the Conflict-Free Procurement Initiative.
We incorporate the principles of this policy into the requirements for our suppliers and conduct due diligence consistent with OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. We continue to support sourcing from legitimate mines in conflict-affected areas as a ban would be detrimental to the local population.
We require our suppliers to conduct the due diligence on their own supply chain, determine the origin of the minerals they use and commit to sourcing those materials from sources that are not fueling military conflicts or causing human rights violations and environmental degradation.
Additionally, we require our suppliers to continually improve their practices and promote their awareness and capability through training and regular feedback.
This statement will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed.
We want to address concerns quickly and thoroughly. Therefore, we encourage interested parties to report suspected violations or legal compliance promptly by contacting us through any of the following channels:
Phone: +86 755 2671 0000 Ext: 8188